Title : Pervasive computing ppt, Pervasive Computing: Vision and Challenges
Department: Computer science.
Can be used for: Paper presentations, seminars in any events and understanding the basics.
This is a trending topic in the world of computing. Until a few years ago, where computers were some machines on the desk that were used by human beings to get some work done quickly and more effectively. This was the main purpose of the invention of computers too but as the time passes and technology grows, the demand and dreams of man are increasing. These demands and needed made him do several experiments to find new technologies that are simpler for every common man around there. Initially computer were some instruments which will be used by a computer programmer to perform certain tasks. Then, when the graphical user interface was invented every home and non techie person started using the computers for various purposes. So likewise the next advancement in computing is expected to be the Pervasive computing!
The pervasive computing is an technology that integrates the computers into our human activities so that we will be able to perform our needs on computers with out any pain. The computers will fetch the data to be processed by itself, from our daily activities and complete our works. This sounds to be filmy right? Yeah! that the upcoming technology.
Ramdon samples: Pervasive Computing
Earlier in this paper, we characterized a pervasive computing environment as one saturated with computing and communication capability, yet so gracefully integrated with users that it becomes a ‘‘technology that disappears.’’ Since motion is an integral part of everyday life, such a technology must support mobility; otherwise, a user will be acutely aware of the technology by its absence when he moves. Hence, the research agenda of pervasive computing subsumes that of mobile computing, but goes much further. Specifically, pervasive computing incorporates four additional research thrusts into its agenda, as illustrated by Figure 1.
2.3.1. Effective Use of Smart Spaces
The first research thrust is the effective use of smart spaces. A space may be an enclosed area such as a meeting room or corridor, or it may be a well-defined open area such as a courtyard or a quadrangle. By embedding computing infrastructure in building infrastructure, a smart space brings together two worlds that have been disjoint until now [16]. The fusion of these worlds enables sensing and control of one world by the other. A simple example of this is the automatic adjustment of heating, cooling and lighting levels in a room based on an occupant’s electronic profile. Influence in the other direction is also possible — software on a user’s computer may behave differently depending on where the user is currently located. Smartness may also extend to individual objects, whether located in a smart space or not.
Here in this computer science paper presentation, about the pervasive computing. I've tried add two paper presentation. Doing a project on this topic will be highly challenging for engineering students but if you have good interest in this topic. Contact us, We'll provide you with some research papers too.
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Department: Computer science.
Can be used for: Paper presentations, seminars in any events and understanding the basics.
This is a trending topic in the world of computing. Until a few years ago, where computers were some machines on the desk that were used by human beings to get some work done quickly and more effectively. This was the main purpose of the invention of computers too but as the time passes and technology grows, the demand and dreams of man are increasing. These demands and needed made him do several experiments to find new technologies that are simpler for every common man around there. Initially computer were some instruments which will be used by a computer programmer to perform certain tasks. Then, when the graphical user interface was invented every home and non techie person started using the computers for various purposes. So likewise the next advancement in computing is expected to be the Pervasive computing!

Ramdon samples: Pervasive Computing
Earlier in this paper, we characterized a pervasive computing environment as one saturated with computing and communication capability, yet so gracefully integrated with users that it becomes a ‘‘technology that disappears.’’ Since motion is an integral part of everyday life, such a technology must support mobility; otherwise, a user will be acutely aware of the technology by its absence when he moves. Hence, the research agenda of pervasive computing subsumes that of mobile computing, but goes much further. Specifically, pervasive computing incorporates four additional research thrusts into its agenda, as illustrated by Figure 1.
2.3.1. Effective Use of Smart Spaces
The first research thrust is the effective use of smart spaces. A space may be an enclosed area such as a meeting room or corridor, or it may be a well-defined open area such as a courtyard or a quadrangle. By embedding computing infrastructure in building infrastructure, a smart space brings together two worlds that have been disjoint until now [16]. The fusion of these worlds enables sensing and control of one world by the other. A simple example of this is the automatic adjustment of heating, cooling and lighting levels in a room based on an occupant’s electronic profile. Influence in the other direction is also possible — software on a user’s computer may behave differently depending on where the user is currently located. Smartness may also extend to individual objects, whether located in a smart space or not.
Here in this computer science paper presentation, about the pervasive computing. I've tried add two paper presentation. Doing a project on this topic will be highly challenging for engineering students but if you have good interest in this topic. Contact us, We'll provide you with some research papers too.
Download these computer science paper presentations here (links for the pervasive computing):