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9 quick Tips: Help you Stay focused on Your Goals.

Hello engineers, 
As always, as engineers we want this week(Present) to be active, studious and work focused on very Sunday and Monday! But as the week progresses the enthusiasm of these thoughts fade exponentially. Right? If, YES is your answer. Then this could be the right time for you to read this article because today is a sunday. A new week is waiting for you tomorrow!

This is a special sunday share for my budding engineers and entrepreneur readers. This is an article which i was looking to prepare for a long time for my readers. Finally came across this in one of my favorite blogs. felt it a good article to share here.

Create a vision board
A vision board is a collage of pictures and images that represent your goals and dreams. Creating a vision board helps you to visualize your end goals more clearly, which inevitably inspires you to take consistent action. Not only that, it also serves to remind you of your goals every day when you see the board. I've a vision board in my bedroom which I see every time I'm in my room. Every time I see my board, it reinforces my goals to me, and reminds me to take action so as to move forward.

If you've yet to create your vision board, I've created a video tutorial which you may find helpful: How to create your vision board.

Create milestones
If you just set one huge goal, it can be discouraging - especially when you don't achieve it after a short while. When that happens, some people may procrastinate on the goal altogether - which is quite unfortunate. I find it's helpful to break a big goal into smaller goals, after which you concentrate on achieving the smaller goals in the short-run. Just like when you go on a long road-trip - You set pit-stops to rest/recuperate throughout the trip.

Create a plan
If you have a plan worked out for your goal, it becomes much easier to stick to it. All you have to do is to follow the actions you have planned for the day. The best time to work out your plan is when you set the goal, because that's when your motivation is the highest. Usually, I create my goal action plans right after I set my goal, after which I take action immediately - which helps create a positive momentum.

Track your results
It's important for me to track the results of what I do, because otherwise it feels like my actions are not making a difference. Hence, every time I work on a goal, I will identify 1-2 performance metrics, then track those metrics daily/weekly. They are my connection to the end goal, because they let me know whether I'm on track or off track, which in turn lets me know whether to tweak my actions or not.

Have goal buddies
Goal buddies are people who share similar goals with you. They help to remind you about your goal, spur you on when you feel unmotivated, give you new ideas on how to achieve your goal, keep you on track, among others. Your goal buddies can be your friends, or people whom you meet in interest groups. Since you already share similar interests, it'll be easy to find people with the same goals. Read more: 7 Ways To Instantly Meet Like-Minded People

Start a journal documenting your goal pursuit
Having a blog or private diary to document your goal pursuit can be a therapeutic experience. A lot of times, we abandon our goal pursuits because we get frustrated mid-way and we are not sure what to do about that. However, when we write out our thoughts, it helps us to get clarity on our issues and renews our interest in the goal. Many readers at my blog created their life journals in the blog forums and have found that to be tremendously helpful in keeping them focused on their goals.

Be clear on why you're pursuing the goals
If you keep giving up on your goals halfway, perhaps you were never serious in them to begin with. For me, if I'm really serious about a goal, I'd never give up on it - I'd keep hammering away at it, regardless of the obstacles, until they give way and I'm enjoying the fruits of my labor.

I once had a coaching client who would embark on many new business ventures, only to stop within the first 2-3 months. He never knew why. When I drilled into the issue with him, he found out it was because he just wanted to start a business to earn money, whereas he was already earning good money with his current job - which meant little reason to move out of the comfort zone. After that, I recommended him to identify a business idea which he was truly passionate about - which he did, and today he has been working on this same business for the past 1.5 years, the longest he has ever kept to a business venture.

Learn to say no
Do you often put your goals aside for other people? It's okay to do that once or twice, but if you keep doing the whole time, something is seriously wrong. You can't forever put your life on hold for others! I used to have trouble saying no to others, until I realized I was just doing myself and my dreams a disfavor when I say yes to something that's not what I want. Learn how to say no and you may find a bigger pot of gold at the end of this rainbow.

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