Title: Cloud computing call centers (Project using could computing technology)
Departments: Computer science engineering, Information technology, cloud computing.
Can be used for: Engineering projects, paper presentations, application oriented projects for various events.
Cloud computing is going to be one of the best techniques that an enterprise could use in the future. It is a way of providing up gradation to your computer not as a product but as a service. This technique may be used by anyone no matter if it is for your pc or for your business. In this technique a user need not know the physical location and configuration of the system that is providing him services like, data access, storage services, softwares etc. The concept of cloud computing satisfies the perpetual need of IT companies because it doesn’t need any investigations of new things that are developed, licensing of new softwares, training people for those s/w etc but we can simply add on the new features and provide additional capabilities. Learn more about cloud computing
We all, by know will have a good idea of the rate at which the Cloud computing technology is growing these days. At times it seem like it is going to be the storage device of the future. So doing a project on this ethnology is always welcome able. Students who feel like doing their engineering project in some trending topics can opt doing this project. This project generally relates to cloud computing call center that may provide a better platform (like Multi-tenanted platform for scalable, dynamic allocation of telephony, PBX) for the existing call center trends. Thie project which was invented and developed by John Jasper, James A. Van Vleet, Nicole J. Hushka
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This Cloud computing call center details here: http://goo.gl/VV8Hv